Israeli occupation of the Golan
In implementation of the Zionist expansionist policy, and depending on the logic of using force to usurp the rights of the nations, Israel, on the morning of June 5th 1967 launched a wide scale invasion against Arab nations with full support from its western allies.
After the cease five on june 11th. 1967, the total area the Israeli forces had occupied in the Golan was 150000 acres. 13800 thousand people were expelled out of their villages and farms ,131000 of them farmers. 17000 were Arab Palestinians who originally were refugees, who fled from Palestine to the Golan in 1948.
To achieve the goal of frightening people and obliging them to flee from their land, Israeli forces committed many atrocities: mass killings, torture, different means of oppression, psychological pressure and economic sanctions. These atrocities were documented by several international investigation teams: the UN six member team of August 1969 and the tri partite committee of April 1970.
At the end of 1967 war Israelis occupied all of the governorate of Quneitra, save 24 villages, 15 of them in khan Arnaba ,one in fiq and the rest in al Khushnia .




Written by Super User